This is the first time to cook ‘Urui’!

This is the first time to cook ‘Urui’!


At Haruhi-en Tsuwano

By Hattori


We’ve got a bunch of vegetable we’d never seen.

“Looks nice. How do you cook this?”

“Oh well, no idea.”

We did not figure out even its name.

“Why don’t we boil it?” That’s the best way for this kind.”

We made its salad with vinegar and miso, and fried it with meat.

It was a bit slimy but mild and smooth.

A few days later, our neighbor told us its name was ‘Urui’.

Poppy anemone

Poppy anemone


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At Haruhi-en Tsuwano

by Yamamoto

Ms. Y and I went to visit jizo to pray, the other day. After that, we found butterbur, horsetail, and bracken around there.

Then I found poppy anemone too! It’s stem was about 15 centimeters high. Pure white lovely flower was in bloom on the top.

The flower has been getting more rarity value, as it decreased.

It was very nice to see the flower♪




Wild vegetables of springtime

Wild vegetables of springtime


At Haruhi-en Tsuwano
By Yamamoto

Surrounded by rich nature, we enjoy picking wild vegitables of springtime.
Started with Japanese butterbur scapes, we can get Japanese parsley, mugworts, horsetails, towny daily lilies, and more around here.
We will soon have bamboo shoots, coil springs, bracken, fatsia sprouts as it gets warmer.
Our residents talk about how to eat them and they make Japanese tofu and Japanese parsley salad dressed with white miso, tempura, dishes boiled with soy sauce, boiled ones and so on.
We enjoy having a variety of dishes of wild vegetables every single day.


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The traditional way of cleaning

The traditional way of cleaning


By Yamamoto

At Haruhi-en Tsuwano

We tried a traditional way of sweeping out dust around the porch and a Japanese-style room by using scattered used wet tea leaves today. Our residents used to do it at their houses in those days. It surprised me a lot. We swept the floor to gather the tea leaves and the dust adhered to the used wet tea leaves. We could gathered the dust very well. Thanks to the traditional way of cleaning!




Haruhi-en’s imoni party

Haruhi-en’s imoni party


By Hattori

At Haruhi-en Tsuwano

Imoni party (stewed potato party) was held on a large scale in Tsuwano town on October 16, which is one of the three most famous imoni parties in Japan.

We also held Haruhi-en’s imoni party, the other day. One of the residents who knows a lot about cooking told us how to make it.



Stuffs for imoni are taros, roasted sea bream, soy sauce, salt, and sake which is cooled after heated once. During boiling, Ms. M and Ms. Y advised us not to season it highly with soy sauce and salt. Ms. M had a sip and said “beyond description.” We enjoyed its refined tastes with a flavor of sea bream. We’d like to cook and enjoy traditional dishes here more.

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